Develop and enhance your psychic abilities

I once received an email from a woman who said she had a week of vacation ahead of her and wanted to know if I would teach her and her niece how to develop their psychic abilities. Needless to say, I was a little stunned by her request from her. Psychic development takes years of practice, not weeks.

If you've ever seen John Edward or James Van Praagh on television, you may have noticed that they both humbly say that anyone can do what they do. What is rarely mentioned is the time it took each of them to develop their gifts and how and what they did to get to the level they are at today. In fact, as they will tell you in their books, it took them two years of practice to understand and fine-tune their gifts.

Developing your skills is a natural process. It is a long journey from which you will gain much wisdom. Don't try to speed up the process or take shortcuts. Consider what's going on right now exactly what needs to be going on, and when you're ready for the next stage of development, it's coming. Trust me.

You may also be interested to learn about psychic here Absolutely Free Psychic Reading

meditation and reading

I want you to spend a minimum of five minutes sitting quietly, meditating, and focusing on the deep white light inside your solar plexus area. This is a good discipline to learn for anyone. As you are centered in the light, feel the calm and security of this light and the wisdom within you. If your mind wanders, keep coming back to the light.

As you sit quietly, you can ask your guides to make themselves known to you. Ask if they have any direction or direction for you regarding your life. Ask God to reveal himself/herself to you. If your mind begins to wander, refocus on the white light.

As the meditation more comfortable, extend the term. The more time you spend in silent communication with your inner voice (God) and the guides from him, the stronger the connection will be made. As you continue to grow spiritually, you will want to spend more time meditating on the light, and I encourage you to do so. This is one of the best ways for us to make conscious contact with God.

Is silence too quiet for you?

If you find it hard to sit and concentrate in silence, that doesn't mean meditation isn't for you. If you prefer to have some background noise, go ahead and create the environment that is most comfortable for you. Do not worry about that.

My brother Michael often has some kind of background noise, like a stereo or the TV, when he meditates or does psychic readings because he says the distractions help him hear spirits more easily. I once had a student who always sat by the air conditioner in the classroom, humming, because the silence was too distracting for her when she was doing the exercises. Experiment and see which way works best for you.

Apart from meditating every day, you can also keep reading about psychics and psychic development. I just want to warn you not to get too much information too fast. This can keep you trapped in his intellect of him and can lead you to expect perfectionism; both are counterproductive. In fact, when you read something is as important as what you read. Select authors you've heard of and trust, then see if this is the right time to read them.

An important rule of thumb when choosing the right books for your needs is to run them based on your intuition. Your intuition knows what your needs are and where you are in your psychic development and will guide you to the books you are ready for next. It will never lead you wrong.

Upgrading your level

The three most important keys to its development are patience, practice, and honoring the process. On the other hand, I also want to encourage you not to be satisfied with the level you have grown to. Throughout my years as a psychic, I have never stayed on the same level for more than two years. As I continue to open myself to what is possible, my psychic gifts have continued to develop on a much deeper level. If we stick to it, the gifts from it will grow too.

In the beginning, I did five-minute readings for friends. Eventually, I was able to do fifteen-minute readings. Then it was extended to thirty minutes, and now my readings run forty-five minutes to an hour.

When I got on my spiritual path and began to develop my relationship with God, the readings changed again. Deeper information began to come through. When I worked on my own emotional issues through therapy and twelve-step programs, I was able to channel information that helped people in their own emotional healing. As I got my own health in order, I began to read other people's health more clearly. When I started working with my own soul through hypnosis, my mind was opened to the possibilities of working with people's souls, and the readings became more meaningful for their life purpose.

One of my students once called this process getting an "upgrade" and I really enjoy this term because it's a perfect way to describe these periods we go through in our development when we're about to progress to a new level. . You will discover from time to time that you are completely psychologically disconnected. The image that came to mind as I was writing this was of a water tower with a huge tarp on top that I walked past the other day. It was being repaired, and when you go through these periods, you'll feel like someone has put a tarp on your skills and you're under construction, so to speak. When this happens, there is an internal change in your psychic third eye and ears, and no matter how much you want to use or practice your abilities, you won'

During these down times, when you get the latest revisions to your software, you'll have to mentally hang a "closed for business" sign. When you are in one of these periods, stay busy with your life. Go to the movies. I work in the garden. Go out with friends. Take walks. Do things that make your body feel grounded. Clean out your closets. Do all those things you've been putting off while developing your psychic abilities.

I wish I could tell you scientifically what was happening to our "psychic" parts when they shut us down, but I can't. I can assure you that when your gifts open up again, they are going to be stronger and you will definitely feel "upgraded."

You'll also notice that your abilities shut down when you're going through a rough emotional time or if there's some sort of challenge you're facing. Our abilities shut down as a way to protect ourselves from excess coming at us on a psychic level. Be patient and just know that your gifts will open back up when you are ready for them.

The possibilities are endless

Opening your third eye and psychic ears and being attuned to your intuition throughout the day will create endless possibilities in your life. You communicate with God throughout the day. You will receive helpful guidance from your spirit guides. You'll see heaven while standing in your kitchen and be able to communicate with your deceased loved ones.

You will be able to see aliens if you want and be aware of other solar systems. You communicate with others through mental telepathy as much or more than you do verbally. You will be able to do remote viewing if you wish. You can see the aura. You will be able to see disease in people before you are even aware of it. You will be able to see your own future once you learn to be emotionally distant.

There are many possible ways that your many gifts can manifest. Here are four areas I'd like to cover in more depth: reading past lives, communicating with the dead, ghost hunting, and finding missing persons.

Past Life Reading

I will never forget the first time I was given a photo of a past life. I must have stared at those images for about two or three minutes as my mind struggled to accept what I was seeing. At that point in my psychic development, I did not believe in reincarnation, so my intellect was trying to come up with all possible interpretations of the other pictures that represented a past life.

A friend had asked me to tune in to her relationship with her boyfriend and see if I could get any information that would help her understand why she was having so much trouble. He also wanted to know what he could do to resolve her conflicts.

The first image that came was of an old doctor's office, and I saw a woman in a nurse's uniform. Even though this nurse did not look like my friend, I knew on a psychic level that it was her. The next picture was of a drunk doctor passed out on his desk by him, followed by a cover photo of him with patients the whole time. I could see that I had a love/hate relationship with him. My guides told me that he loved him, but he hated drinking him, and that he'd search his office and home for him every day for bottles of whiskey and then pour them out.

What disturbed me the most was that all these images seemed to be set in the 19th century. Since I didn't want to have any thoughts about reincarnation, my mind became more and more preoccupied with trying to find a more "rational" explanation.

At some point, my guides told me to relax and open up to the information. They said that I could deal with my own feelings of disbelief later, but for now I needed to give this information to my friend of her because it would help her know how to resolve her major conflicts of her. I decided to take her advice from her and put my "stuff" aside so the guides could continue passing on more information.

They said that my friend had been very judgmental about her boyfriend's alcoholism in his previous life, which is why she was an alcoholic in this life. The other big problem was that she was always taking care of him and he didn't want to be taken care of by her. He was also recovering from alcoholism in this life, and he wanted to be alone, but she educated him to the point of smothering him, never feeling that she could do anything on her own.

She got her self-esteem from feeling needed, and she didn't want to give it up. She had a lot of resentments towards him that she didn't understand and she always felt that he never appreciated "everything I've done for you". Every time he became more independent from her, she resents him even more.

After this, the guides gave my friend some good suggestions on how she and her boyfriend could resolve their conflicts, and the experience opened my eyes to the truth of reincarnation, which I soon came to believe in. Since then, I have seen many past lives, and it is likely that at some point you will receive information about past lives, whether they accept reincarnation or not, and you need to understand how to identify it.

The photographs will not look modern and may feel very old as well as if your guides are drawing you back in time. You may also get a musty old smell, indicating that what you are looking at happened a long time ago.

Over time, you will come to immediately recognize past life images. Sometimes your guides will give you the dates automatically and sometimes you will have to request them. You can ask about the location of the past life and you can ask your guides to identify the people in the images. The images usually only show the key people you are dealing with in this life.

Sometimes your guides may feel that it is better for the person not to know who they were in a previous life and they will not share that information. Go ahead and ask as many questions as you like, but remember that your guides have the final say as to what information the person can handle knowing.

communication with the dead

As you develop your skills, you may find that your gift manifests through mediumship or communication with people's deceased loved ones. This happened to my sister, Nikki. She was channeling healing to people, and slowly, one by one, people's deceased relatives began to appear in her healing room.

At first, he didn't know what to do because the person hadn't expressed any desire to hear from their deceased relatives, but he decided to pass on their messages anyway. He soon realized that the messages were very meaningful to people and that passing on these messages as part of healing him, so he now uses his gifts from him in this way as well.

If this happens to you, don't be naive about it. Not every spirit that claims to be someone's deceased loved one is telling the truth. I have seen earthly spirits try to mess with people in this way, so you must be perceptive and firm. Simply tell the spirit that you want some kind of proof that validates the identity of the spirit. Then, when the spirit gives you a message, do not censor or edit it, but convey it as accurately as possible so that the client can assess its authenticity.

If someone were to go through a medium claiming to be my father and give me a message in a very eloquent way, like "Hi, I'm Echo's father. Please tell my beloved daughter that I'm so proud of all her work. " - I'd be suspicious because my dad doesn't talk like that. My father's message would sound more like, "Hey, honey, this is your old man. Keep it up."

If you are channeling a deceased loved one, be very precise in conveying the language of the message, and then confirm with your friend or client that the person sounds correct. If the client is still unsure, ask the spirit to give you some concrete evidence of what they are. Don't accept generalities; Tell them you want more details. And if they come to believe that the message is not authentic, they get rid of the earth-bound spirit by telling them to step into the light.

Remember also that our appearance changes when we pass to the other side. As soon as we die, our souls generally begin to look younger. For example, if someone's father had gray hair when he passed away, but he had black hair when he was younger, his soul may now psychically appear to him as having black hair. If he was quite overweight when he died, he probably won't look like that now because he no longer lives in that overweight body. Now it's just energy.

If you want to know more about the soul after it leaves the physical body, check out my book. Echoes of the Soul. This will give you a lot of useful information regarding the soul's perspective of life, death, life after death, and heaven.

hunt ghosts

One of the "advantages" of developing your third eye is that at some point you will begin to see spirits and other dimensions. Usually, at first, she will only see small white lights, similar to fireflies, out of the corner of her eyes. Over time, and this could take years, she will begin to see "energy drops." Gradually these will become more pronounced forms of energy, similar to a human form. You may see half of them at first, or you may see fully materialized spirits.

Over time, you will learn to distinguish between spirits, angels, guides, and earthly spirits or ghosts. In my experience, if your gift is to cleanse homes and businesses of these earthly spirits or ghosts, you will be able to tune into them quite easily.

Teaching how to clean houses of unwanted spirits is much more than a couple of pages of information, so if this is something you feel called to do, I would definitely suggest getting a copy of my books just a ghost and Dear Echo. The whole subject of ghosts is covered extensively in both books.

Finding missing persons

My students often tell me that they are interested in developing their skills, mainly so that they can help the police find missing children. If this is something you're hoping to see with your gifts, there are a few things you need to know.

The irony of wanting to find missing persons (especially children) is that we are doing it because we care, and yet, in order to be an effective tool for information, we have to completely separate the emotions to the point where they don't they do matter what we see. In other words, we have to go with our psychic eyes and ears open and our hearts on hold. If you go with your heart wide open, wanting to find someone really bad, you've lost your objectivity and your care is going to block any "negative" information from coming in.

What you have to do is separate your emotions and stay that way. Get the person's name and work with it as long as possible before bringing other things to read, such as photographs or material possessions. Something as simple as a toy or an adorable picture of the child will open up their emotions and their objectivity goes out the window.

If the missing person's relatives or friends have asked for your help, tell them to keep the details to a minimum. Ask them not to "fancy" you with the full story until after you've given them all the information they can get. People want to share as much as they can, but you have to walk a fine line: the more you know about the circumstances of the missing person, or the fears of the missing person's family, the more difficult it will be for you to maintain the emotional distance you need to receive the information.

working with the police

Very often, when there is a missing child in the news, my students try to locate the girl or boy. They'll get bits of information, like a shallow grave or a tree by the side of a hill. They may see the name of a city, but not the state. They may get an image of a scared, still-alive child, or they may get an image of a murderer. My students are so eager to tell the police what they've seen, and I understand their excitement because I've felt it many times myself, but, and this is a big but: unless you have concrete information, like the name of the city ​​and the state, the name of the hill, the name of the street where the house is located, the exact place where the body is buried, etc., the police will not be interested in your information.

One time I kept having the same visions and another time of a missing child near where I live in Minnesota, and the policeman called me, said that he really wanted me to help - and I think he was sincere - but that he didn't have the manpower to chase every hunch or insight that psychics get. He told me that if I really thought I knew who this guy was, I should go look for it myself and then call if I found anything concrete. Given the high interest missing person cases can draw, it is a sad truth that police are not always prepared to handle all the information they receive.

The other problem you will run into is that a lot of police officers think that psychics are frauds. Not everyone thinks this, but they do a lot. The police, in general, are not going to welcome your psychic impressions with open arms. They will be very skeptical if you show up uninvited at the police station - and you should be. Until proven otherwise, they have no reason to think you're not a "whacko" taking advantage of the situation to get attention. If you want them to take you seriously, you have to present them with hard, verifiable proof, some sort of proof that you know what you're talking about.

I'm not trying to pop the bubble of anyone who feels called to do this type of work, but you have to know the reality of how you can go. I have also worked with members of the police who were very nice and tried to work through the incomplete pieces of information that I have given them. But even when the police encourage their involvement, it is very difficult to obtain the kind of information needed to locate the child.

The work itself is very difficult, and I only do it if a family member asks me to. It is not easy to separate your emotions and push away all the information that we are fed up with from the media. Very often psychics immediately get the idea that the person is dead because that is what we see so often in the news.

I remember a few years ago a dear friend called in a panic because his granddaughter had been missing for a day. My psychic sense was that the girl was with her boyfriend de Ella, who was someone her parents de Ella knew nothing about, but my intellect wrestled with that information because another local teenager had disappeared a week earlier and been found dead. I was praying for the truth of the situation to be revealed to me, but I wasn't trusting the images or thoughts that came in. As it turned out, the girl was with her new boyfriend of her and she was fine.

If you are asked to find a missing person, my best advice is to get only the name and age of the missing person. Then, go to a room alone, ask the Universe to cleanse you of all preconceived ideas and fears (in itself a difficult task), and then ask the Universe to give you clear and precise information that will help you find that person.

If you get a picture of a hill, ask if there is anything around you that will help you locate it. If you get the name of a city, ask for the state. Ask questions about your images. Now you have to be the detective in every inch and get all the information you can, but, and this is another big but: seek the information only if someone asks you to or if you know someone in law enforcement who will take you on I laughed. . Otherwise, you'll be sitting with a lot of potentially valuable information and nowhere to go.
