Wondering how much an ex-pat visa for Australia costs and what is the procedure for obtaining it?
The price of a visa depends on a number of factors specific to your case.
Factors affecting the price of a visa
The cost of an ex-pat visa depends on many factors, such as:
1. The type of ex-pat visa you are applying for;
2. How many family members you take with you and what age your children are (more is paid for adult children);
3. Which Australian state or province sponsors you if you come on a sponsored visa;
4. If the main applicant's (partner/spouse) companion fails to achieve a certain grade in the English test, then a special fee of AUD $ 4,890 is paid;

5. From what attempt do you pass the English language exam;
6. Costs of Skills Assessment that sometimes double, if you are doing a Qualification Test for your partner as well; Australia Tourist Visa
7. If the Principal Applicant does not have a qualification for a multi-year job, based on which he/she comes to Australia, then the costs of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) are also included;
8. The cost of the medical examination for the principal applicant and any accompanying family members who are more than 15 years old.
Here are some examples to help you understand how these factors affect pricing in practice.
Dragan's case
Example: Dragan is 34 years old, has been working as a painter since he was 19, and has been unregistered all along ("because that's the way it is in the country of Serbia," says Dragan). Dragan graduated from high school. He has a wife Dragan (32 years old), a son Milos (5 years old) and a daughter Mary (2 years old). Dragan does not speak English well, knows very little, does not use it for business. And Dragana is a nurse by profession and she worked for 5 years before she got children. Dragan is doing great English.

Dragan's motive for leaving: They have godparents, John and John in Sydney, who only went to Australia 5 years ago, and John is already earning $ 300,000 a year net. John is also a painter by profession. Dragan expects to make the same money as John, and this particularly motivates him to come to Australia.

Dragan's Goal: Dragan has 50 points and his interest is sought in New South Wales. Dragan wants to apply for a 489 visa, which is a temporary immigrant visa for four years. After two years, if he fulfills certain conditions, Dragan can apply for a permanent visa.

• other expenses.
Mark's case
Example: Marko is 31 years old, working from the age of 24 as an engineer. He has 7 years of work experience. He had been registered since day one and found a job 10 days after graduation. Marko is married, has a son Nicholas of 3 years and a wife Jelena who is pregnant with twins. Jelena graduated from law school just before Nicholas was born, so she didn't work in the profession (and if she did, nothing would help her with a visa).
Markov motive: Marko and Jelena want to give a better future to their children and that is why they want to leave the country.

Mark's goal: Marko has 55 points and can get a permanent residency right away. He will be sponsored by New South Wales as he wants to live in Sydney. I will apply for Visa 190.
Mark costs: Nr. Cost name Price in Australian dollars Note
1. Applying for 190 visas for 1 major applicant ($ 3,600), 1 adult ($ 1,800) and 3 minors (3 x $ 900) $ 8,100.00 2. Applying for a nomination by the Australian State of New South Wales $ 300.00 *** The cost of nomination depends on the state and state
3. Jelena passed English with the required grade so this cost does not exist $ 0.00
4. Passing English x2 (both passed English from first attempt) $ 490.00 ($ 245 x 2) ****
5. Skills Assessment for Engineer $ 1,330.00 **
6. Medical examination costs for the principal and his wife (2 x 275) $ 550.00 (about $ 275 x 2) This cost may vary but is on average about $ 275.00
